
Restorative Psychology

The central idea of fair course of is that “…individuals are more than likely to trust and cooperate freely with systems—whether they themselves win or lose by those systems—when fair course of is observed” (Kim & Mauborgne, 2003). The authors raise some good factors, and remind us that just because a concept sounds good or is in line with our personal views (e.g., that it’s good to spend time in nature), that does not excuse them from the requirement of scientific rigor and a strong foundation of evidence. While there have been many studies reporting outcomes that are in line with ART, there are also some research with incomplete or combined findings, and a few that don’t provide support for ART in any respect (Ohly et al., 2016). It appears that nature can indeed have constructive results on attention, cognitive efficiency, feelings, mood, and habits, but the jury is not unanimous yet. Another research by researcher Laura Thal explored the results of 20-minute walks in both a natural space or an urban area on measures of cognitive efficiency and symptoms of ADHD.

The psychological restorative impact was assessed by performing a two-way repeated measures ANOVA on the PANAS knowledge, contemplating the presence or absence of thinning (unthinned–thinned) and the observations earlier than and after the experiment (pre–post) as elements, similar to the POMS . To carry out the on-site comparative experiments, the state of the forest surroundings must be equal in the unthinned and thinned conditions. Therefore, we selected to carry out the experiments in May and October, which typically have related climate circumstances. However, as proven in Table4, we noticed important differences within the thermal setting and illumination.

Specifically, the POMS, ROS, and PANAS measured the psychological restorative effect, and the SD method and PRS measured the traits of the forest environment. The forest chosen as the analysis site is managed by two technical staff members of the Fuji Iyashinomori Woodland Study Center. The space around the Center, the buildings, gardens, forest street, and sidewalks are highly managed.

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